Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Best Juicing Recipes

Nowadays it's possible to find fresh fruit and vegetables anytime of the year, and virtually everywhere. So in order to start making fresh juice all you need is a juicer which you can find ranging in price from $19.95 to $400. I recommend selecting something in the middle to get a well-buit, yet simple to use machine.

Now you are ready to start making fresh juices and to discover for yourself the energy that comes these fresh juices. Anything from apples to cabbage to spinach are so delicious and nutritious for you! None of the nutrients from the fruit or vegetable is lost in cooking or processing and the vitamins and minerals are released the very second you juice; immediately they go into your system for energy. The benefits of juicing far outweigh the prepackaged, concentrated, even the organic and low processed, because the juice is virtually absorbed within 20 minutes! The processed juices can't claim that. Juicing is a healthy, delicious and super- nutritious way to feed every cell in your body. Here are some favorite recipes:

Super Favorite - immune system; energy; boosts energy and fights disease
5 carrots
? small beet
? Granny Smith apple
Wedge of cabbage or handful of spinach
? medium cucumber
? Lime/lemon

Immune Building 2
3 tomatoes
Handful parsley
2 cloves garlic
? cucumber
2 celery stalks
1/8 onion

Alkaline Special
? head cabbage
3 stalks celery

Liver Tonic
4 carrots
? medium beet

Chlorophyll Cocktail - bring out the Greens
5 carrots
Handful of spinach leaves
Handful of collard or turnip greens
4 sprigs watercress

Bromelain Cocktail - add any fruit to this you like; bromelain is a wonderful enzyme for digesting of proteins
4-5 pineapple rings
? Lime or 8 strawberries or handful grapes or cranberries or 4 peeled tangerines
Sparking water

Blood Regenerator
6 carrots
Handful of spinach
? medium beet
4 parsley sprigs
? granny Smith apple, if desired

Digestive Tonic
6 carrots
Handful of Spinach
? cucumber - peel green waxy skin off, if it has it.

Body Cleansing
Use Digestive + add 1 medium beet
Health Heart
5 carrots
3 broccoli florets
? in. slice fresh ginger
? Granny Smith apple

Juicing Tips:
Lettuce is 99% water - don't bother juicing it. Make a salad instead!
Put carrots in big end first. This prevents jamming.
Fresh juice begins decomposing (loosing vitamin potency) seconds after it is made.
Juice cannot be stored for longer than a few hours, in a tightly closed, cold thermos.
Consult nutrition guide to find out what elements will benefit you the most.

Enjoy making fresh juice for you friends and family anytime!

By Elizabeth Gamble


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